Monday, February 5, 2007

hi!!!I'm EMRE from turkey...I joıned this web adress because I think this this web adress will help me for buıldıng my english teacher suggest me this adress...


BeyzaY said...

Hi Emre
Congratulations on your new blog!It will be nice if you explain the meaning of aslanizma in your blog.Maybe you can mention Giptagul in this blog::o)In my opinion you should make some changes in your first post and post the first assignment to your blog.See you tomorrow.
Best wishes

Nina Liakos said...

I think aslanizma has something to do with lions--am I correct?

elizabeth_anne said...

Hey it's not your web ADDRESS which will help you build up your English - it's what you put on your blog!!
I just tried to leave a comment, and the machine said to me "your request could not be processed. Please try again.
This is my last try - but since you're reading it, it worked!

elizabeth_anne said...

By the way - I'm an teacher of English in Grenoble, in the south of France